@ Monday, July 30, 2007 ●

Here comes Today Posts....

hmmm today i woke up late again !
haha ! over slept ! meet xuan around 6.50am
reach school around 8.15am
today i'm very very very very very very sad.....
i dunno why....
i dunno wat do i did wrong....
i just dun wish us to be like this...
i really nv say anything bad about anyone...
but no one seem to believe mi....
maybe i'm just that kind of trouble maker...
i dun wan to be like this !
i wan our friendship to last forever and ever !
i dun wan to be like that...
i hope if there is something that u all unhappy about...
i hope u all can say it out...
i'm sorry ! very sorry... that i'm make all of you become like that !
i really feel sorry !
hope !
everything will be fine !
i really love u girls !
really hate myself VERY VERY VERY MUCH !!!!!!!!!!!

haiz !

Thats all For Today !


@ ●

Here is the Sunday Post !

haha !
sunday i woke up at 10.30am ! EARLY !
^_^ after finish my house work ! and prepare myself its around 11.55am...
and i reach my hubby house around 12.35pm...
around 1 plus we took lrt to his aunt house for praying ^_^
we reach to early le !
haha ! we watch the SCV channel 56 got the smiling pasta !
haha !
around 2 plus then we start our thing !
until around 4pm...
after that we faster go to far east cause i need to buy something over there...
after buying my things..
we took bus 162 to PS !
cause we had a movie to watch at 6.50pm wahaha !
we reach PS around 5.30pm !
haha still early !
so i have time to shop le wahahaha !
haha ytd i bought alot of clothes lor !
so happy !
some of it is hubby buy for mi de la !
haha ! thank you hubby !
we shop until 6.30pm then we go buy something and eat for our movie ! haha !
you know wat we watch !
hahaha !
haha ! for mi very nice la !
after finish watching movie then go home le cause monday still got school ma ! haha !
after reach my house its around 9 plus le !


Thats all for SUNDAY LE !


@ ●

Here is the post for Saturday !

haha !
saturday i wake up at 11.25am !
very late right ! haha !
saurday i meet my hubby around 1pm plus going to 2pm
when we meet up le... we when to mac for our lunch ! haha !
after our lunch we too mrt to bugis !
haha ! i love going bugis ! also dunno why !
haha !
after we reach bugis ! then my hubby wanna cut his hair !
so we go to the jean yip for my hubby hair cut and also treatment !
haha !
after finish everything of hubby hair its around 4 plus le !
after that walk walk awhile more then go home le...
cause that day is his uncle birthday !
have to faster go back and celebrate ! haha !
so fun !
had a nice dinner with him whole family !
All his aunt, uncle and cousin !
haha !
celebrate until around 10 plus then i go home le cause i'm so damn tired la !
haha !

Thats End of Saturday !


@ ●

Here is the post for Friday !

friday i woke up at around 9am !
haha very early right !
haha !
i nv go to school on that day..
but i have to work !
i finish bathing everything and prepare to go out around 9.50 am !
And i'm going to be late !!!!!!!!
so i decided to take cab down to ang mo kio and then take mrt !
haha lucky i'm not late !
haha !
boring working ~!
cause its like no ppl de lor !
lucky behind mi is singtel then they got the mio tv behind mi !
you know wat !
they play SPIDER MAN 2 !
haha !
nice ! cause also no ppl de lor... then i sit down there also like nothing to do !
so i watch the spider man !
nice nice !
haha !
until like around 6plus 7 then got ppl lor !
haha !
then i all the way work until 10pm lor !
hmmm by the time my hubby also just finish his things le so i meet him at city hall mrt...
and then he send mi back home lor !
after i reach home then he also go home le !
boring !

Thats all For Friday !


@ ●


very long nv update le
here the update for last thursday !

hmmm thursday i wake up at around 10.30am !
yeah ! after finish bath everything i meet xuan at 11.45am..
haha ! that day madeline and xuan got role play !
so funny, we took bus 24 until bedok cause madeline haven reach
so we drop at dedok and wait for her... ^_^
mi and xuan playing PSP ! haha ! Great !
after awhile madeline reach le...
and we decided to buy some food from pasa malam (haha i dunno whether izzit correct spelling )
and then we took bus number 31 to school cause its raining ^_^ !
after we reach school the wei wei though got class lor haha !
but actually its only for the role student ! haha !
then when its xuan and madeline turn !
they very funny lor !
xuan keep on jumping and laughing madeline also ! haha !
after their role play we go to cafe one meet grace and kerry !
at the end we also nv go for OSA !
haha.... cause very boring la ! ^_^

Thats the End Of Thursday !


@ Wednesday, July 25, 2007 ●


so long nv update le oh !
hmmm i'll start talking from sunday ya !
sunday early in the morning i meet xuan at 9.45am
and we take cab down to Ang Mo Kio to meet Madeline and Kerry..
when we rea ang mo kio we waited for around 8 mins for the train that madeline and kerry took
when the train arrive we can't find kerry they all haha...
keep on looking around...
finaly we saw kerry... so we went in...
chat inside the train until city hall...
and we walk to suntec for our 1st pogramme is K BOX !
when we reach k box outside its only 10.45am ~!
haha... the k box haven even open yet ! haha !
we waited for grace around 1o mins...
by the time the k box its already open !
we sing we play we joke !
great fun !
around 12.30pm mi and grace bluff them that we go toilet...
but actually its just an excuse for going sown to buy a cake !
haha !
after buying the cake...
we past to one of the worker over there to bring the cake in at 1 pm
haha and so and so !
we celebrate until very fun ya haha !
hmmm after going k box...
we when to arcade !
we played lots of game !
like basketball and i dunno the other game call wat le
but after that xuan need to go off le *sob* !
cause she need to celebrate her aunt birthday too !
after xuan go off le...
we when to tan tan hou guo for our dinner !
haha !
very nice yeah !
after our dinner we walk to bugis walk walk awhile then go home le !

Happy Birthday Madelin ~!

Xuan Singing !

Me !

The Five Of Us !

Happy Day ! 22th July 2007

Nice Cake Right !
Me And Kerry !

haha !

That All For Sunday ! ^_^

Monday !

hmmm for monday i wake up at 6.45am !
very early right ! haha !
so tired lor !
around 6.30am xuan called mi that she will be going to school around lunch time
so i go to school myself....
haha !
i took bus 72 to tampines and then change 31...
inside the bus i only got one thing to do...
that is !
haha ! thats the only thing i can do cause VERY TIRED !
b4 i get in the school lihui and iris they all say they very very tired everyday
but i dunno why...
but now I KNOW LE !
while i'm in the bus 72 madeline msg mi said that she will be going to school around lunch time
cause she not feeling well also...
when i reach school its around 8.50am
around 8.55 kerry reach school le...
but grace told mi that she will be late for school cause very tired..
and she will only be in school for 10am class...
so the 9am class which is SBM only got mi and kerry !
haha !
so ke lian right !
around 10 grace reach le
and we go for TPS lesson until 12pm
then madeline msg mi that xuan and madeline would be going to school..
then after that kerry grace wei wei and mi when for our lunch at cafe one..
after our lunch is OFC lesson...
we did nothing and was told that tuesday lesson change to next monday cause P.E and OSA Teacher would be conducting lesson cause they having courses...
so OFC teacher also change the lesson to next monday
cause she know that no body will go to school just for her lesson de haha !
so tuesday its a free day for us ! GREAT !
after the OFC lesson will be CRN ROLE PLAY !
kind of scared la !
so mi and kerry , guo wei and grace keep on practice again and again !
haha !
it started mi and kerry 1st !
oh my god !
so scary haha !
but everything was find !
haha !
after ur will be grace and wei wei !
haha !
they also not bad ya !
after our role play then we go hom le !

Thats All For Monday !

Tuesday !

hmmm tuesday i wake at around 8.30 am !
cause we are doing project at tampines mac at 10 am !
and so i reach there by 10 but all of them were still at HOME !
oh my god !
they stay so near and i'm the one reach 1st !
funny right !
haha !
but its okie !
wei wei reach at 10.30am
kerry reach at 10.45am
Grace reach at 12 plus cause her house lift spoilted and she stay 15 floor !
haha somemore her bag very havey !
so its okie !
when kerry reach then we wait for the lunch from mac !
cause i dun want to eat their breakfast !
haha !
after eating then we do project le...
after grace came we decided to change place for doing project
cause ! they dun have switch and the laptop going no batt le...
so we change to the other mac near the KFC there de...
we do until around 3 then we go off le
cause i need to work at bugis 4pm
and grace pei mi the whole day for working ~!
haha !
so good !
she very cute lor and funny !
really enjoy being with her ! haha !
Fun Day Too !

That All For Tuesday !

Wednesday !

haha wednesday which is today !
i wake up at 7.55am !
and i meet xuan at 8.15am !
hmmm !
when we took the bus we saw my PAPA ZI KANG ! and casper !
haha !
we reach school around 9.45am
and the we got for OSA !
after OSA is lunch time !
we all eat rice from the japaness stall...
wow nice !
haha !
after our lunch we go for SBM lesson !
fun !
cause the far east act the role play until very funny lor !
everybody was like laughing until crazy la !
after SBM then xuan go off 1st cause she need to go for match
but we also dun feel like going for OFC !
and so we go for tampines for shopping !
haha !
naughty us !
haiz !
but i hvae to wait until 6.45pm then can go home lor!
we shop until like 5.30pm
but i still have to wait for san jie cause she need to go for interview
then she need mi to help her bring back her laptop cause very havey !
so bad right !
she also never treat mi eat anything lor haha !
nvm !
i think thats the end le la haha !

Thats All For Today !


● I Need some help ! @ Wednesday, July 18, 2007 ●


Today is Wednesday..

today i meet Xuan 8.30am...
we reach bedok at around 9.35am then madeline come up the bus 24...
how to start leh ?
today i feel very sad and like dunno who to do to myself...
i feel that... xuan dun really like mi...
i just got that kind of feeling...
i'm very scared !
i'm very scared that i'll be like boon theng...
i dun wan to be like her !
really dun wan to be like her...
i always feel left out
i also dunno why !
although madeline say no matter wat happen they all never hate mi and left mi out..
i really dunno what to do to myself to be better !
i already lost my family care
but i really wish i can have my really best friend to care about mi !
although i got hubby care
but that is very different !
i dun wish to be like that !
am i really very bad ?
i dun like being left out !
really dun like !
i already can't smile like before le...
i dun wish to leave the group !
i really love being with them...
i really enjoy !
i think....
one day
they will really kick mi out....
after writing all this things...
i feel much more better!



● One Happy Day With My Hubby! @ Saturday, July 14, 2007 ●

Today 14th July 2007 Saturday !

Today i wake up at 9.15 am !
Goodmorning !
I prepared myself until around 9.45am my hubby had arrived my house !
Its a freash day !
When i finish packing my bag and ready to go its around 10am !
Our 1st station is...... ANG MO KIO HUB !
cause hubby need to do something over there..
after finish everything over there our next station is...
We went there to watch HARRY POTTER and the order of the phoenix !
when we reach suntec its around 12.15pm !
And so we bourght the ticket at 3.30pm..
From the time we reach until 3.30 we go for K BOX !
We finish singing around 3.15pm
and then we go for toilet break...
Cause ! After that will be SHOW TIME !
so happy !
Really nice !
after watching movie....
we walk to bugis cause i need to buy my black jeans...
and so we walk walk walk...
when i reach bugis 1st place i go is to find my dear baby Eileen !
after that my lao gong Bring mi to jean yip for hair cut...
cause i always say i wan to cut my hair but i always nv go !
haha !
after my hair cut my lao gong get hungry le oh !
we went to the food court for our DINNER !
nice dinner cause its with him !
after finish eating we went to the bugis village to seach for my black jeans...
after i finish buying the black jeans its around 8.45 le...
so we decided to go back home le...
cause i'm very very vry tired...
and so do my lao gong !
we take 133 to ang mo kio and then change to 73...
when reach my house le...
my lao gong come in and pei mi until 11.45pm the last bus...
being with my hubby its so fun !
i love being out with him !
our love is forever and ever !

Mrs Ang Loves Mr Ang Forever In My Life And Heart !
Muackzzz Muackzzz Muackzzz Muackzzz !

Forever Love !
Ang Mei Ting And Ang Wen Kang !


● Really Hate Myself Nowadays ! @ Friday, July 13, 2007 ●


wat can i say to myself leh ?
even mi myself think that i'm very lousy !
i'm the one who is alot of problem !
i also dunno why ?
i know i'm still childish
but wat can i do !
i know i got alot of bad points..
but i really dunno wat to do !
really hate myself !
and i really dunno wat to do to cut down my problem !
who can teach mi wat to do ?
i can't be myself just like before le...
i dunno wat to do !
i hope !
And I Really Hope ! My Friendship !
