● HAPPY BELATED 中秋节 ! @ Wednesday, September 26, 2007 ●

Post For Tuesday !

How's everybody 中秋节?
Yesterday woke up at 7.30am. Thanks Mr Wu .
prepare myself and ready to go off... cause starting work at 9am.
Suddenly my sister ask mi " why u wake up so early ! "
( BLUR ! ) then she told mi that i'm starting work at 9.30am.
then i went back to my bed and rest awhile more
go off at the time of 8.15am
reach my working place at the time of 9.20am
you know wat ! i found out that actually i'm supposed to reach at 9am !!!
WTH ! Call that chen mei ling and scold her ! agrh !!!
but nv really scold la only say say only ^_^
swan le.. manager also nv scold :P
but cannot always like that la ! haha !
work work work !
damn tired lor !
its very very very tired de lor !
work until my leg damn pain !
Finally 3pm le !!!
off work le..
walk to bugis and find my lovely friend over there !!
Finally Sandy its back ! wanna buy the cross stitch from her !!
but no cash ~!
so i'll wait. !!!
then randy was asking mi where am i working
i said donut factory lor
he kind happy la ! haha !
then was asking mi to help him buy
then i introduce him the best selling wan lor ! haha
got Cheese, Peanut Butter, Hazelnut Milk and Double Chocolate !
WOW ! nice nice !
一个口味他拿3个 !
chat with them until around 5plus then i go home le..
when about to reach home, Mr Alan Lew ask mi wanna eat dinner。。
then i just nice take 73 drop at the KPT then i accompany him eat lor !
But Mr Lew late !
haha ! its okie...
but i never eat la just chat with him over there..
after finish eating everything then he accompany mi play candle!
we went up to the last floor of the car park and play candles !
so nice !
we was trying to fill up the canles in one parking log.
我们到最后放弃(i dunno whether my fang qi correct ma ) 了。
then we started to make our own name lor !
haha !
very nice lor !
but very difficult to light it up !!!!
but in the end, we manage to light it up and took a pic ^_^ !
its fun !
went home at the time of 10plus ^_^
had a bath and went to back le ^_^


@ Friday, September 21, 2007 ●

Post for Thursday
OMG ! haha bo bian... have to take cab !
faster prepare myself and run down for cab
reach there at 10.06am
lucky nv kanna scolded haha..
morning also no ppl de lor
work work work !
finally 3pm le !!!!
go home !!!
went to the exhibition hall de bus stop and wait for bus 70
the bus still haven come lor
then i took bus 133... bo bian
reach home at around 5 plus 6
use comp watch tv
i watch the channel U then got YOU HUA JIU SHUO
haha then the topic is about blogging
you know whose there !!!
haha... they almost like quarrel lor !
nice nice !
after finish watching you hua jiu shuo
then went back and use comp again
about 11pm mi and m wu go eat Chou Tou Fu
get in the car and saw his PSP like so cool la !
watch the 200 pound beauty !
i also wanna go buy le ^_^ ( when i get my pay 1st ) haha
WOW ! their Chou Tou Fu not bad !
nice nice ! haha !
reach my house de block then we challenge PSP game
but he keep on winning mi ! argh ! haha
we play until like going 2am then go home le ^_^
reach home, bath and say hello to my bed ^_^
Thats All For Thursday !


@ ●

Post For Wednesday
wednesday wake up at the time of 9.45am
prepare myself and meet mad at 11.30am
but the lazy mad make mi wait so long
cause grace suddenly msg mad tell her that grace meet kerry 11.30am
dots then mad msg mi to meet her 12 but she still late !
haha she is the last one who reach ^_^
but its okie
after eveybody reach then we walk to sim lim
casue kerry de linker spoilt !
actually wanna repair de but alot of shops say its already cannot repair le.. haha
then after that wanna go to one of the coffee shop and eat de..
but inside too hot le
haha... so we walk to bugis village and eat the teenage cafe
but i only eat their fries haha
after finish eating and buy kerry de linker then we go bai bai
after bai bai then we go bugis walk walk awhile then i have to go work le
sian... tired.
ended work at 11pm
happy that there is someone replace mi for thursday de night shift !
but i still have work la but its morning
reach home at 12plus
finish bathing its already 1am
wait for my hair dry everything and sleep at 2am...
That all for wednesday ~!


@ Tuesday, September 18, 2007 ●

Post For Today !
today wake up at 9am.. thankz for mr wu morning call..
wake up prepar my things...
finish doing my things went to hougang point and had my breadfast myself
sian, boring and tired...
had a small quarrel with san jie
cause i dun really wanna work weekend but she help mi ask meiji le...
now dun wanna work also cannot le
haiz... she very small gas de lor ! abit abit angry !
later still have to work !
my hand now still very pain !
suddenly like very lazy working lor !
even week days also dun feel like working le !
haha !
today sure reach home till very late de...
will update agian !


@ Monday, September 17, 2007 ●

Post For Monday !
Yesterday actually wanna wake up late abit de
but !!!!!
chen mei ling early in the morning 7 plus bring yan yan <- ( my dog ) to my bed and wake mi up !!!
but i go back and sleep again...
but !!!!! 8 plus 9 mama bring yan yan come to my bed again !
haiz... can't really sleep le..
have to wake up
saw mr wu msg that the xp CD can't work..
then i called er jie ask her where is our xp CD
she dunno... hmmm then i called michelle and ask
lucky they have !!!
meet michelle and get the cd and accompany her see doctor..
she is sick !
after that went to meet mr wu
pass him the cd...
jiejie suddenly tell mi that i have to work
so sian...
faster go home and get change
reached suntec at 4.50pm...
start work at 5pm...
it look fun but its very trying !!!!!
i'm doing display
the donut very heavy lor !
my hand very painful...
very tired ! work non stop !
dun even have time to go drink water or go toilet !
work till around 11.10pm
faster walk to the bus stop...
while waiting for bus saw wen kang !
oh my god ! nv think that he'll be coming !
haiz... waited for bus very long
then he ask whether wanna take cab ma
cause him house near my house ma
then we took cab home
tired day !
really tired !!!!!!
but still have to work !
no work no cash !
haha !
that all for monday !


@ ●

Post For Sunday !
sunday woke up at 9 plus 10 just to do house work
cause meeting mad and kerry 12.40 at amk mrt station cause kerry wanna buy Nintendo DS...
called mr wu... he say he also wanna buy psp^_^
then ask kerry wanna go tampines de dunno wat shop and buy ma
cause mr wu wanna go there buy
after i meet mr wu then go fetch kerry and mad..
reached tampines... the price for DS its okie for kerry but got no pink ! sad !
for mr wu if he buy from them the psp must also buy either memory stick or screen protecter.
so he nv buy...
after that go sim lim see kerry de DS Nintendo
after reached sim lim kerry found her nintendo...
while kerry check her nintendo mi and mr wu go buy his memory stick
very cheap ! 4GB only $85 !
haha ! after buying his memory stick then we went to the dunno where de coffee shop and eat our lunch .
after finish eating then we go down to AMK and buy his psp..
his friend its coming down and buy too..
he and his friend both buy slim de psp !
so nice ! haha !
so many ppl around mi buying psp !
like so fun like that ! haha !
i now also nv play le
always nv bring her out
she always stay at home rot
haha !
hmmmm sian
that all for sunday !


@ Sunday, September 16, 2007 ●

Post For Saturday !
Saturday woke up at 10 plus 11am..
so tired... wanna sleep longer also cannot..
morning mum come in my room wake mi up
wanna go back sleep also cannot cause baby eileen called...
something when wrong with her boy...
chat with her... tell her wat i think and yup...
dunno how are they le... hope its fine !
wake up le... do house work...
er jie kanna scolding cause of something
mum de mood not very good
angry about er jie everyone also scold !
so ke lian ! really dun feel like staying at home
actuall wanna go out le...
but clothes haven dry...
this few days de weather so bad... keep on raining...
alot of clothes can't dry...
but saturday de sun its pretty good..
but mum actually wanna go out le... because of the clothes she can't go out..
so i told her i'll look after...
cancel my alone outing
stay at home..
meet Mr alan for lunch at the KPT
help mama buy food... you know wat...
i buy wrong !!!!!! ( sorry mum )
haha !
after finish eating everything
go home pack my clothes...
cause its so messy
while packing my clothes de half way Mr wu called
Wu Shu cancel cause his friend got something on..
then we change to an outing by watching movie...
after that continue packing my things
finish packing my clothes then i continue to pack my shoes
finish packing, prepare myself and meet him 6pm
when to one of the so call cafe or dunno wat for our dinner
its very nice and cheap !
haha !
finish eating went down to The Cathey...
see whether got Apartment 1303 ma
but they only got for 1 timing at 1.15am
then we walk to P.S see whether got earlier de ma...
P.S got in 9.40pm
great ! but its 1st 3row
but its okie !
that show not bad !
very scary for mi !
haha !
the show finish at around 11 plus...
then he bring mi to another nice scene
its very nice !
really like it !
its so beautiful over there
but its very dark so take pic also no use...
we chat and chat over there
lots of funny things ^_^ haha !
吴先生 ! 谢谢你!
really enjoy myself
took some photo with mr wu over there
but its very dark
i also try to take some pic of the night scene
photo up soon !
That all For Saturday !


@ Friday, September 14, 2007 ●

Post for Friday !
Ytd wake up at around 8 plus going 9am
prepare myself and reach twin house at around 10 plus ba.
reached their house rest on the chair.
And start using comp !
go online saw Mr eric !
chat with him awhile...
so long never see him le !
the last time i saw him its at happy daze...
haha.. its like so long ago la...
好久不见 !
stay at their house until around 2pm !
haha... i know i'm gonna be late !
cause i meet madeline at 2.30pm at bugis somemore !
haha !
dead !
reached bugis at around 2.45pm
but when i'm still in serangoon madeline also at batok
but she reached 1st ! * sorry madeline *
after we reached then walk to bugis street..
heard that grace not coming le !
mad say she haven eat
then we decided to wat long john !!!
fat fat fat !
so long never tell her my 心事了。
after finish talking and eating then i bring her go sim lim buy psp.
reach there walk round and round !
then she bought GOLD COLOUR !
i wanna change with mad ! but she dun wanna change with mi !
so nice la !
that time i bought 2 GB memory its cost mi $ 7o ++ going 80 if i'm not wrong !
NOW 4GB ONLY $80 !!!
feel like buying 4GB memory leh !
haha !
finish buying psp until around 5.45.
then i faster run down to suntec to find 三姐!
at 1st told her i'll be late but in the end she late !
haha !
interview for Donut Factory !
sorry madeline, lihui, marilyn...
cause they actually dun really need ppl now..
but i'm in ( if i'm not wrong )
cause my sister pull mi in de..
i'll try to help u all ask next time okie ? ( sorry everyone ! )
i wait for the manager to interview mi for like 1 hour plus la !
rotting over there !
haha ! play with JJ ( junjiang ) . He super funny lor !
keep on making mi laugh like hell !
do all kind of funny things to make mi laugh !
san jie keep on call JJ to help her do things !
then he like so funny lor !
like very yang orh like that !
finish everything about 7.25pm!
shit ! its gonna be late !!!
faster go and take bus 70.
cause jie jie say if take train its longer !
reached home de bus stop at around 8.53 pm like that...
saw his car !
i throw my bag in.. faster went up and get change !
reached AMK at the time of 9 plus..
some of them haven eat yet。。
accompany then...
read the land ( i think its spell like that ) shop at around 10 plus
they play dunno wat game...
i also dunno so i nv play !
watch them play until i fall alseep..
dunno its gonna be like that..
they finish playing at the time of 1am like that..
alot of ppl went home
only let with mi mr wu and the other guy..
haha.. i also forgot his name le..
went down to dunno where and fetch Shander..
but she end work at 2am
we reached there at around 1.30am
stay inside the car and wait for her..
she only finish everything at the time of 2.30am..
went to bishan park for blading
shit ! so long nv blade le and dun really know how to blade !
sorry shander ! make u fall down because of mi ! ( i'm sorry )
i just dun dare to move on but wait for shander to hold mi !
shit ! its like so paisei la !
everybody know how to blade only mi !
PROMISE ! I'll nv go blading anymore !
haha !
finish everything at about 4plus
mr wu its hungry
went to the hougang there and eat
the midnight curry rice ( if i'm not wrong )
only the 2 guys eating..
Set off around 5.20am
reached home around 5.55am
haha !
tired !
Thats All For Friday


@ Thursday, September 13, 2007 ●

actually wake up 8.45 also no use..
marilyn suddenly cannot meet mi le...
nothing to do...
go hougang point de mac eat breadfast myself...
go home around 1plus
reached home mama haven do house work
i help her do....
after finish helping her
then i use computer...
so boring staying at home...
so fast holiday also not good at all..
我喜欢 make ppl 开心。
可是没有人make mi 开心!!!!
suddenly feel that mama very irritating !
when a person mood not good should be like that de ba..
that all for today ~!


@ ●

Post For Wednesday !

Wake up around 6.50am!
reached school around 9.05am
kerry reached at 9.45am like that...
start to study for the OFC !
keep on memories the format !
ahhhh !
study until going crazy le !
decided to eat 1st before going to OFC test...
while eating saw Mr Garry !
he join us and eat together !
i finish eating 1st
then i study !
Mr garry ( our PE teacher ) he say no need study so much de la....
haha ! funny right... as a teacher say no need to study so much !
haha !
chat awhile mad and xuan reached le
they nv eat cause exam starting soon...
start to leave cafe 1 around 10.55am
reached the exam hall around 10.58am
the paper very easy
but i dunno whether i will pass ma !
haha !
mad xuan kerry finish very fast...
the paper its 2 hours !
i only stop writing until the last min of the paper...
so sad !
after finish our paper mi and grace go to our push cart there and find mad and xuan...
the supplier reached le
we pass them the money
they pass us the order...
after awhile i need to go off 1st...
reached home around 3 plus going 4
mum ask mi where i'm going
i told her i'm going to celebrate grace birthday at k box...
she suddenly call mi dun go until too late
she still ask mi where is the place and everything..
she ask mi why wear until so pretty for wat...
haha ! very cute hor my mama...
my mama call mi go home early de... i'm sorry...
can't stay with them until end of the celebration...
very long nv enjoy le !
sing sing sing !
dance dance dance !
haha !
i dance they laugh !
they laugh i laugh ! ^_^
they happy i happy too !
when half way i go toilet grace also follow !
haha !
when we go back ! the cake and the birthday song its already prepare ~!
HAHA ! 我好开心哦!!!!
but i have to go early !
i'm sorry everyone !
Mr Wu come and fetch mi at around 11.45pm!
he bring mi to anothe beautiful scene !
VERY NICE ! I like it !
chat awhile and took some pic over there...
you know wat we saw !
we saw a couple quarrel over there....
the girl wanna jump...
when i saw them quarrel...
i'll think of something...
now i know...
its really stupid doing all this...
i won't do it again anymore !!!!
dun say about this le...
go off around 12plus going 1
reached home around 1 plus
mama wash my bed sheet le...
haiz i still need to change bed sheet !
so tired !
finish everything around 2 plus
faster go bath an sleep at 3 plus !


here comes the pic !

Happy Birthday Grace !

Me, Mad, Grace, Kerry and Clarice...
Absent with apologise-> Xuan

The Birthday Cake ! ( Yam )

Ting & ( Birthday Girl) Grace
Its so hard to see the both of them singing ! haha !

Kerry watch mad singing ! ^_^
Ting & Kerry ! Funny Her !

Ting & Kerry ! ( Normal )

( lol )

Donut Factory ! ^_^

My Dear Kerry ! Wat are you pointing ?

Colourful Yeah !

Advertisment for Guess !

Ting & Mad ! ^_^

Dear Clarice Is Singing ! ^_^

很美吧。( View 1 )

( View 2 )

The Other Side View

陈美廷 和 吴文富 (一)

陈美廷 和 吴文富 (二)


Thats All For Wednesday !


@ ●

Post for Tuesday !

Tuesday its CRN test !
haha !
but lucky i got study !
it not i die !
not really very easy la !
some question dunno how to do..
but i study de some question got come out...
dunno whether will pass not...
haha !
finish everything around 10am plus
suppose to collect the sticker by that day
but in the end they change it to wednesday !
casue the supplier can only reach by 11 plus going 12 !
so we decided to change it wednesday !
after finish settle everything then we walk to the bus stop..
and i saw !!!!!!!! MICHELLE !
haha ! she not feeling well... so she go home early...
so i decided to go twin house !
reach their house around 11 plus going 12 then i go da bao
cause very hungry !
haha !
after finish eating and talk to marilyn awhile and i found out that our test paper its the same !
haha !
suddenly very tired !
marilyn also sleep le...
fall asleep on the chair and its so painful !
i wake up walk to michelle bed and sleep !
haha !
sorry ar michelle !
i know u like my smell ! :P
sleep sleep sleep until around 3 plus going 4
by the time marilyn also wake up le ...
michelle doing project...
mi talk to marilyn...
i asked her to help mi deco my blog !
and yeah !
you see ! my blog very nice right !
haha ! All thankz to marilyn !
when home around 4 plus...
reach home almost 5pm...
faster go bath and study for OFC !
yeah !
stop studying at around 9 plus...
meet kerry and study again the next day ...
around 11plus Mr Wu called...
he haven eat dinner...
accompany him for dinner
but i also got eat !
reached home around 12 plus
and i sleep at 1 plus !

borind day right ! ^_^

that the end of Tuesday !


@ Monday, September 10, 2007 ●

Today wake up at 9.15am.
cause mum wan mi to do house work.
no school today ! Great ! ^_^
after finish doing my house work then i went to hougang point de mac.
i miss mac de breadfast !
i eat their hotcake !
yummy yummy !
very nice !
after eating then i sit down there and study on my own.
study until half way, beside mi de balloon suddenly burst !
i was shock la !
my writing also become very ugly when i got shock !
alot of ppl look at mi lor.
not only mi got shock...
behind mi de also got shock.
haha... so funny...
study until around 2.45pm then i went to buy something then go home le.
cause very tired..
go home sleep awhile and perpare to study again.
but when i wanna study
mum keep on ask mi do this do that again...
so help her wat she wan mi to finish and continue study again
study until now then i rest...
never mind
tomorrow still need to study again, but its okie !
After Wednesday then its holidays le !
great !
i just can't wait till wednesday !
haha !
suddenly feel very lonely.
so fast holiday also not good
i also haven found a job yet..
saturday and sunday haven even plan yet
lonely lonely lonely !
i hate lonely
maybe i should work on weekend...
feel like calling baby eileen to go out with mi on this saturday..
but she sure cannot de
she need to accompany her bf..
i understand.
cause if its mi i'll also accompany my boy...
now suddenly so free
also dunno wat to do...
ppl around mi all for gf bf de
ask san jie but she always working or go our with jj
da jie er jie always go out with their boy boy too.
i think i should really work on saturday and sunday le
soon i'll get use to it de..


@ ●


went out with Mr Wu...
give him morning call at 9.20am
cause we'll be going to K LUUCH !
we reached suntec at around 11.30am
actually can reach earlier then that de...
cause we go round and round at the car park...
finally we found a free space !
faster get out of the car
when up to carefour to buy drinks
cause k lunch de drinks not enough de...
start singing from 11.45pm and finish around 2.45pm
heard that exhibition hall its having a food fair so we decided to go there and see whether wat can we buy...
that time expo de food fair i bought yam for mum...
mum say very nice...
when we reach the food fair i was trying to find the same yam...
but i can't find
bought another brand de...
mr wu bought some satay...
but we nv walk finish cause too many ppl le...
we faster go out and we heard that there is a game fair at the 6th floor
wow !
when we walk in its like very fun la !
we saw alot of ppl playing wii...
feel like buying one
but no money
we stay at the game fair for very long !
cause dun feel like going out !
so fun !
so many games that i nv see b4 !
we started to go off around4 plus 5 if i'm not wrong...
we went to east coast for our dinner...
haha... i eat hokkien mee...
not bad...
after our dinner then we go to the sea side and sit down for awhile...
Oh my god !
the view over there its so beautiful !
we sit there and watch sun set...
very nice !
xie xie ta pei wo chu men..
if not i must be staying at home doing nothing de...
we start to go off at the time of 7.40pm....
its late le...
tomorrow he still have to work...
he is a nice person...
i use to tell him all my sad things..
he listen... but he will say i stupid...
but its all over...
had a fun day out ytd...
reach home around 8 plus...
faster go bath and study le !
haha !

yup thats all for Sunday !


Once Again
This is the nice view

Very Nice Ba


@ ●


its almost 2 month...
very long never update le...
lots and lots of things happen on mi...
i dun wanna update its because that time i really no mood to update...
but seens its gonna be over.... i'll update...
On this 1 and the half month time...
i'm very sad...
i have broken up with him...
he like another girl..
but at the same time he do like mi too...
but he like that girl more then mi...
this one and the half month..
i have saw alot of things that i should know...
he bluff mi alot of things..
4th Aug 2007... we got a small quarrel...
he said he dun wanna go out on sunday...
so i decided to go his house on sunday...
but when i reach his house, he is not at home...
i wait and wait and wait....
call him dun wanna ans, msg him dun wanna reply...
he reached home at 11.15pm...
he told mi he was very tired but he went out till so late...
i asked him... where did he go...
he told mi... he went out with his friends and its a guy...
but actually not... i only find out when its aug going sep...
i'm not going to say how i find out but when i know it i'm very down...
natioal day eve i'm working...
and i'll be going to his house and stay after my work...
he told mi that he will be very late home so he ask mi to go up his house 1st
but i reached his house there around 12am plus...
i dun wanna disturb his family so i waited under his block....
cause i know he'll be taking cab and i know where will it drop...
my phone suddenly no batt...
then i faster msg him that when u finish work le faster give mi a msg...
i wait and wait and wait...
until its around 5am plus...
i finally found a switch !
i charge my phone and i called his phone for so many times he nv ans...
so i decided to called his house...
he actually reached home at 12plus
but when i switch on my phone i never even recieve any msg...
i'm really scared when i'm waiting for him...
so many people that had disturb mi...
when i go up his house... he nv even say anything...
i just go to bath and sleep...
i'm really tired...
the next day... i told him "i know u very tired working cause you everytime OT until so late )
he is a person need 8 hours for sleeping...
after he enter this job he dun have enough sleep...
so i told him i decided to work on this saturday so that you can rest more...
when that day i'm working...
he told mi that he'll be playing soccer with his cousin that afternoon and at the night he'll be watching singapore soccer....
after he tell mi all this...
when the next min i msg him i call him he already off his phone...
i dunno why...
i tried calling him till morning 6 plus...
the next day i go his house he said that his phone no batt...
but actually i also found out that he actually went out with that girl...
i'm not going to say how i find out all this things...
he watch the rush hour with him...
but he actually promised that he'll watch with mi....
but nope...
when i know all this i just can't stop crying...
i know he already like that girl..
but i really can't let go...
i know i should let go...
but i really dunno how to let go...
we have been together for so long !
i can't just let go like this...
i tried to do so many things to let him come back...
i know its stupid...
i have bought so many things for him
but he dun like it...
one day i bought alot of chocolate for him...
cause i know that chocolate can make a person happy...
i remember that i also bought the hello panda but its chocolate...
i know that he likes strawberry but i just wanna buy chocolate cause i wan him to be happy
but in the end he exchange some with one of the girl working with him de....
that is wat i buy for him...
but he exchange...
i know he nv exchange all...
but if he really wan i can buy one more strawberry de...
why must exchange...
i remember there is once i need to go to his house and stay...
cause the next day i need to go to jb... its a school trip...
then if i stay his house it'll be nearer to my school...
before jb trip i'm working....
suddenly raining very heavily...
i decided to buy an umbrella and go to his office and fetch him...
cause i know that he'll sure work until very late de...
happily bring along the umbrella and on my way walk to him office...
i saw him holding that girl hand (if i nv see wrongly ) and walk toward mi...
but i think he saw mi... so he let go of his hand...
i dunno wat to do and i dun wanna walk with them...
so i told him i'll be waiting for him at the MRT...
before going down to the mrt station...
i throw away the umbrella...
i dunno wat to do but only cry...
i really dunno why this kind of situation will happen to mi...
i really dun get it...
i nv really break with him on that time...
i told him... i'll give him time to choose...
when i reached his house i can't sleep...
i have to wake up very early next day...
cause i need to reached school at 6.50am...
he can sleep... but i can't...
i know i'm not suppose to read his phone
but i read when he is asleep...
saw alot of msg from that girl...
i won't say wat she write but i only can say they call each other dear...
suppose to wake up at 5.30 but i slept at 4 plus 5 and wake up at 6...
its going to be late so i took cab down to school...
while going to jb trip there something happen with my friends....
after reach singapore he ask mi to go his house stay...
and i took cab down to his house and i reach his house at 9.30pm...
he finish his work at around 9.45pm but he say he wan to go to lao pa sa for dinner...
i know he will go with that girl...
i asked him can u ta bao back and eat...
he promise mi to ta bao but he actually eat down there...
i wait for him for so long...
he reached home at 12plus...
everytime tell mi he is very tired...
he know that he very tired but still wanna go out until so late...
i dun get it...
got a quarrel with him...
he shouted at mi...
his whole family faster come out and see wats happening...
i cried but i dun wanna let them see that i'm crying...
all this time, i have not been sleeping well, eat well...
cause i just can't stop thinking....
I have not been stop crying for 1 and the half month...
its been so long....
i have to put on a smille everytime cause my friends dun like mi carry a long face...
although i really dun wanna smile...
but i have to....
i dun wanna let iris thay all know its because i dun wan them to worry about mi...
but in the end they also know le...
on his graduation day eve i told i'll be going to ur office to meet u and go to his school together...
but he dun wan... he ask mi to go to his house and join his parents...
although i dun really know why...
on that day
actually i wanted to go out walk walk 1st de...
but his parents just nice drive pass mi and fetch mi to his house...
we leave his house at about 1plus...
reached his school at around 1 plus 2
he told his mother that he is reaching...
but we wait and wait...
he suppose to go up at 2.15 but its already 2.10... he still haven reached...
i walk around and i think that i saw him...
so i walk towords and i saw he was actually with her the other side...
i'm shock.... he saw mi... that girl said that she is going off...
he touch her face and sayang her infront of mi !
i feel like crying...
when back to his parents there and his mother helping him to wear his gown...
he touch my face but i move it away...
his mother though i'm angry that he is late...
his mother say ( sometime no need always show face de )
after awhile i told his mother that he actually reached very early but was with that girl...
i know her mother can't do anything... but at least she know that why i'm like that...
it should be a very happy day for mi de... but in the end i dun really enjoy the graduation day...
i have been waited for his graduation day for so long !
but i dun enjoy it...
last week sunday i told him...
i'll let u go...
seen that girl dun wanna let him go then i'll let him go...
he cried...
i'm blur...
i dunno whether should i let go...
just last saturday 8th sep 2007...
i went to find him...
he actually had already started relationship with her...
he had change everything on his wallet...
he took out our photo and put he and that girl de photo..
although i dunno when did they took that neo print...
and his phone de photo also change le...
he told mi now that girl its his gf...
although i already let go
and already started to forget about him...
but i still can't stop my tears...
cried and cried and cried...
i can't do anything...
there is still alot of things about mi and him but dun really wanna say out...
i really dunno wats going on for my future...
i only can see wats happening 2molo...
But i can comfirm I'll let go !!!!