@ Thursday, February 28, 2008 ●

28th FEBRUARY 2008
YTD woke up at about 9.30am AGAIN ! * ALL THANKS TO MUM*
prepared myself and then go out at about 11.45am
reached orchard at about 12.45pm
and then wait for my baby to arrive
after baby reached then we went to far east
shop shop shop for the whole
never get to buy any office.
shop till around 7.20pm
then baby went to meet his bf and then i went to city and meet lao gong !
train down to AMK and then down to basement
accompany lao gong to jean yip for hair cut
till about 9pm
bus home
and then as usual
bath blow my hair and then SLEEP !


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27th FEBRUARY 2008
wednesday its a holiday for our whole class =D
cause POA & BEO no need to go le =D!
so, morning as usual
wake up at about 9.30am ~ALL THANKS TO MY MUM~
wake up prepared myself and then go out at about 11.30pm ba.
took bus 73 to AMK and then change 133 to bugis
reached bugis at about 12.45pm
shop around myself while waiting for kerry
went to 1 of the shop * LIVER * and i'm in love with one of their GREEN TOP !
BUT ! its toooooo expensive le * haisss
after kerry and we continue to shop awhile more and then lunch
i ate duck rice and kerry ate duck mee =D
after we had finish our lunch then we head to bugis village
cause we are like finish OFFICE WEAR !
get to bought 1 skirt and shirt ^_^
while we were shopping half way, baby eileen called
and so baby come and join us for shopping =D
we also went to the teenage cafe and rest our legs ! haha !
and then continue shopping till about 6.50pm
mi kerry baby train down to city hall cause i'll be meeting lao gong and then
we accompany baby to toa payoh and find his bf
mi and kerry had our dinner at MOS Buger
cause lao gong and baby dun wanna eat
after that then we all went home at about 9pm
reached home at about 9.50pm
bath, blow my hair and then sleep =D


@ Tuesday, February 26, 2008 ●

today, woke up at about 9.30am
prepared myself and then went out at about 10am
as usual, took 854 to bedok and then 31 to school
reached school at about 11.05am
then went to BEO and then break
at about 1pm, i went to MDP lesson and finish up my project
and then 2pm to PAO lesson
and then 3pm back to MDP
cause actually 1 to 2pm its a make up lesson for MDP
so i skipped 1 lesson of POA for MDP
and then bus down to tampines
shop around myself and bought 2 office clothes
train down to bugis and then continue shopping with myself
at about 6.50pm, meet lao gong and then continue shopping till about 7.50pm
then we went to the Herbalife talk
till about 10.20pm train down to AMK and then cab down to my house.
reached home and then bath and then now blogging while waiting for my hair to dry
and now, i got to go sleep le


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23th FEBRUARY 2008 & 24th FEBRUARY 2008
saturday, woke up at about 10.30am
do house woke as usual
and then bath, prepared myself and then meet lao gong under my block at 1pm
suppose to go down to bugis for some talk
but at the end, the talk was cancel
so, back to lao gong house
reached his house at about 2pm?
and then MAJONG TIME ! :P
played majong till about 3pm then his mama wanna rest awhile
as for mi, went to lao gong room and then sleep :P
as for my lao gong, watch TV ^_^
at about 7pm
lao gong wake mi up for dinner.
and then eat eat eat.
finish eating at about 7.30pm then back to lao gong room play game
at about 8pm, i fall asleep again !
and this time round, from 8pm i sleep till 5.30AM !
lao gong also nv wake mi up cause he was also sleeping like a pig =X
so, cab home.
reached home at about 6am
bath, blow hair and then sleep again.
in the morning, woke up at about 11.30am
prepared myself and went out at the time of 1.10pm
reached sengkang at about 1.50pm
reached sengkang and then to the SuperCut
cause i have not been cutting my hair for 4 to 5months le =(
and went to SuperCut alone =(
finish cutting my hair at about 3.10pm and then head to lao gong house =D
reached lao gong house at about 3.30pm
and then i fall asleep AGAIN while lao gong is playing game. =P
woke up at about 5pm
and then we started MAJONG again =D
played majong till about 8.30pm then i went to lao gong room sleep again
i dunno why i have been sleeping like more the 8hours per day =P
and then i over slept till 2.30am !
cab home again =P.
reached home at about 3am, faster go bath, blow hair and then sleep


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21th FEBRUARY 2008
Last friday, woke up at about 9.20am
and for my lesson its ending at 11pm
and then no matter how, i still need to go back to school.
CAUSE, i need to go back to school and then to my locker and bring all my books home and study.
so, i went out at the time of 10.10am
reached school at about 11.15am
went to cafe 1, and had my lunch with wenting they all
and then to my locker collect my books and then back to cafe 1 again.
after wenting finish eating, then we went to CVC and asked some question about HN thingy.
its like so long never see her le la ^_^ * lihui i miss you !
chat with her awhile then she got to go off le
then took 31 to bedok and then 24 to serangoon and then 315 to marilyn house =D
reached her and then suddenly sad about MAJONG !
then marilyn run off to her friend house and leave mi alone at her house =(
after she is back then we went to those market oppsite her house and buy something to eat
and marilyn also bought her shampoo =D
after buying everything we wanna to buy then we went back home
reached her house and then start learning how to deco my own blog=D ( thanks MARILYN )
while i'm using the computer marilyn is watching ghost rider from my MP3
for mi after finishing on my blog then i went to their sofa and rest
rest till i fall asleep =P
woke up at about 6.15pm (i think) and then marilyn said that her mother they are going to play majong
but, i'm going off le :(
and then go home at about 7.05pm ?? and then took bus 315 home
reached home almost 8pm cause of the bus !!!
and then lao gong come to my house accompany mi =D
then about 10pm lao gong go home le.
and then i bath, blow hair and then sleep =D


@ Thursday, February 21, 2008 ●

today woke up at abou 7am plus going 8am
was late for MDP
wash up and then prepare to school
took 854 to bedok and then cab down to school !
from bedok to school cost mi $7.30 ! *GOSH !
reached school went to MDP and then break time till about 12pm
after break and then back to MDP again
at about 1pm went to BEG lesson
everything finish at about 1.30pm
bus down to tampines interchange and then took 72 home
reached home at about 3pm
use computer and then went to sleep awhile from 5 - 8pm :p
computer again and then watch 9pm show
10pm chat with my dearest lao gong !
and now blogging ! haha !
very tired now
got to go sleep le
goodnight everyone !


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20th FEBRUARY 2008 Wednesday
yesterday woke up at about 10am
had big quarrel and something like cat fight with
okie.... shell not mention as she will be reading my blog * MAYBE*
okie wash up prepare myself and then head down to bugis and meet kerry
had our lunch at mos burger =D
after our lunch then we went to the arap* i think its spell like that * street
cause kerry wanted to buy something from there
after buying her stuff then we head to bugis street
bought 1 shorts 1 tee 1 watch 2 socks ^_^
shop till about 6.50pm train down to
city hall and meet lao gong go home together
reached home at about 8pm plus
watched 9pm the show and then go bath
chat with lao gong and then i FALL ASLEEP IN THE LIVING ROOM SOFA !


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last satuday woke up at about 2pm ba.
casue in the morning lao gong is going to his friend house and bai nian
so i'll be meeting him at his how late afternoon
woke up, wash up and faster do house work
finish house work and then faster go bath
went out at about 3pm plus going 4pm le
walk to hougang point and then draw money =(
bought some OTA to lao gong house
took 159 and then change 83 as usual
reached his house at about 4.50pm
the 1st things i do is
OMG, i dunno why am i playing majong every week end :P
played until about 6plus then some of his aunt reached le
and then we stop awhile cause its DINNER TIME !
cause every saturday its their family day =D
finish eating at about 6.50pm
then continue with majong
the 1st round is with lao gong and his mum
and the second round its with his mum and 2 of his aunt
actually only wanted to play until 8pm de
cause i wanna watch kungfu majong part 1
but can't cause not enough ppl le :P
finish playing at the time of 9pm
then keep everything and go lao gong room and rest
and then lao gong gave mi flower ! =D
although its a small 1 but its okie
cause i asked him not to buy flower on the valentine day
cause its like double or 3time then normal price !
i was so happy even it was a small 1 =D
rest till about 10plus then go home le


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15th FEBRUARY 2008 Friday
Lesson in the morning as usual
lesson ended at 11am
suppose to go out with kerry de
but she not feeling well
and so head home
reached home at about 1plus
and so mum asked mi to accompany her to PS
cause she wanted to cut hair
reached PS at about 3.15pm
then mum finish cutting hair at about 4pm PLUS GOING 5 ! *OMG*
after mum finish cutting her hair then we went to the daiso
mum bought some plate home =D
took train back to serangoon then papa fetch us home


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14th FEBRUARY 2008
Actually for lao gong and mi de plan its to celebrate at home de
cause lao gong had Spend too much money on the thailad trip le
cause lao gong return all my money that i wanted to change to thia money.
cause he know that i'll be broke after coming back from thiland =(
so.... :p
for this year de valentine day lao gong say he need to wait for his 花红 :P
so we'll celebrate late February =D
that evening i was waiting for lao gong at home
at about 6.15pm
lao gong say that he wanted to go to the place where we celebrated our 1 year ANNI =D
and so ! faster go bath and then prepare myself
he reached my place at about 7pm
and we had a quarrel =(
shell not mention it.
but after all, we are still as loving =D
then we took cab down for our dinner.
everything finish at about 10pm plus
then we went to walk around the garden there
and have a sit and rest
talk about the pass
we have been together for like 2 years and 4 months le
but if - break up i think is about 2year+ le ba
many thing had happened between us
hope he will change his attitude for mi
and i'm also willing to change for him =D
after finsih our couple chatting then head home
bath dry dair and then sleep =D